الأحد، 17 أغسطس 2014

Tips | Baby travel by plane

  Tips | Baby travel by plane 

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Sometimes we may have to travel to air travel with their aircraft across our youngsters on board our trip, and this is very unusual .. but when we have a baby situation becomes more accurate, which requires a few precautions and avoid some caveats. 
The issue of changing atmospheric pressure one of the main difficulties that we face in this regard, and in fact represent this issue a problem sometimes with a cross section of adults, but be larger among the young as a result of incomplete growth of sensory receptors cerebral responsible for re-balancing the body in case of varying value discretion of the air pressure. 

This shows up in the form of a child nauseous, to evolve it to vomiting in some cases, with the presence of pain in the head, "headache" caused by the pressure difference middle ear .. but because the baby is still unable to speak, we find that the response of each of these effects nagging summarized in continuous crying, which does not matter how you try to cut off . 
  To ease the symptoms of nausea and vomiting should be careful not to ride the infant plane and the stomach is full, it is enough to get a half or a little more than usual it from breastfeeding, with the need to "Tkirah" to expel any air or gas potential abdominal .. For babies who began weaning, prefers to stay away from dairy products, industrial Kzubady, so do not get indigestion as a result of the gases, stomach and intestines, and preferably before boarding an hour or two hours, given a snack of potato, carrots, boiled, this is the recipe that will work to give him a feeling of fullness without fullness of the stomach is full. 
For children who suffer from nausea and vomiting issue drastically, I do not mind the permission of resorting to drugs .. In such cases, the child is given an intramuscular injection of 1 cm Zantac +1 cm Bermbran. 
As for the headache caused by the pressure change middle ear, it does not affect all infants usually, but if suffered by the child are therefore given a strong sedative, but not, for example, 2 cm of syrup ibuprofen .. According to some theories that were not confirmed unequivocally that tampons, which are placed ear for the duration of the trip is not bad treatment to eliminate the issue of changes in atmospheric pressure, either for adults or for children. 
Finally .. If you notice your child has signs of discomfort accompanied by the cry of a very unusual uninterrupted, should therefore inform the air hostess to work too much, or you are looking for medical advice if possible.

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