Republic of El Salvador or L. Slfdr (Spanish: República de El Salvador any "Republic of the Savior" is the smallest country in Central America and the most densely populated. Nation's capital is San Salvador and its largest city, and the Santa Ana and San Miguel are also important centers culturally and commercially in the country and in America Central. limits El Salvador Pacific Ocean to the west and north of Guatemala and Honduras to the east. overlooks the far eastern region on the coast of the Gulf of Fonseca off Nicaragua. starting in 2009, had a population of El Salvador about 5744113 people who are mostly mestizo.
Salvadoran colon was the official currency of the country between 1892-2001, when it adopted the dollar. In 2010 El Salvador replaced in the top ten among Latin American countries in terms of Human Development Index, and the third in Central America (behind Costa Rica and Panama), and because of that the country is currently undergoing rapid industrialization.
El Salvador explored and settled the Spaniards in the sixteenth century and remained Spanish until 1821 when she joined Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua in the union named the Federal Republic of Central America. With the dissolution of the Union in 1841, has maintained El Salvador's government of its own even joined Honduras and Nicaragua in 1896 to form the Republic of Central America Greater that befell later in 1898 has its roots in human civilization in El Salvador to the people Albibil of Kozkatlan which means place of diamonds and precious jewelry. Called on the name of the Salvadoran person from El Salvador, as the term is commonly used to determine a person Kozakatelico The Salvadoran heritage.
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